Complex Systems

Doing & Thinking in the Same Time

Adventure in the Human Knowledge

Thinking Complex with Systems

- The ORG, energetic activity of the system, in a permanent Degenerescence Re-generescence, is activating itself in the tension between its AUTO-nomisation and its ECO-logisation : the autonomy of the organization is constructed in its eco-systemic dependencies : Auto Eco Re Organisaction. - The ERG, neguentropic or informational activity of the system is generative and embedded in the organisation per energetic activity of the system, deploying itself in 3 functions

Computation, Information, Communication.

Organisational Intelligence 

The Organisational Intelligence understands the activity of the Organisaction in the recursiv loop between the ERG and the ORG : - If, functionning and transforming, the organization is generating Information (eco-auto representations of its realities), the process is complexified by the enrichment of this loop as soon as we interest to human organizations. The information is not generated in a unique and stable manner by the operations of the organization. Emerging, in a variated diversity, Mimetic (Organizational Routines), and Poietic, in the multiples intelligence processes and elaboration of decisions from and in the organization.

Complexity Intelligence

Implement the Complex Functions to Operate  On Reality

Scientific Evaluation

Physical / Biologic / Social  Systems